Round Robin Writing Group

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

Running concurrently with the Daily Write Round Robin, the Round Robin Writing Group will respond to your specific writing needs and interests, connect you with like-minded writers, and provide insights into process and craft


Short Story 1-2-3: Writing Fiction That Packs a Punch

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

“Ever since I began writing, I’ve been fascinated by the short story form,” Jennifer Lewis says. “You can read a short story from beginning to end in one sitting. I love the immediacy and resolve, the feeling of completion with an economy of words


Write from Real Life: Personal Essays and Memoirs

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

In this remote class you will plunge into the personal themes that make your real life stories uniquely yours. In the first half of this class, instructor Alison Luterman will give you writing exercises carefully designed to elicit the undertones and overtones that elevate events and anecdotes into the realm of art


Write That Script!

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

No matter what you want to work on—a short film, feature, or TV pilot—or how much progress you’ve made on your script, this class will offer an upbeat, playful environment to get you writing and connecting with fellow writers


Novel Writing Group

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

The Novel Writing Group is designed for writers who have made some progress on their novel (from a complete first draft, to a few chapters, to a detailed outline). The group will provide new novelists with practical tools to help them make progress with various aspects of novel-writing


Your Singular Life

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

“Writing memoir is like being a miner, shining a light into the nooks and crannies of our lives,” says instructor Katharine Harer. “We think we know what we'll find, but we're often surprised by the depth and complexity we uncover


Step-by-Step to Getting Published: Landing an Agent

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

Do you dream of seeing your work in print but don’t know where to start or how to break into today’s competitive market? Do you want a step-by-step roadmap for how to do just that? This 3-hour class will provide a nuts-and-bolts guide from finished manuscript to landing an agent


From Loss to Healing: Writing Your Own Transformation

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

Absence of any kind can often overwhelm us, rendering us silent. But as writers, we have tools at our disposal with which we can approach these empty spaces—and the empty page

Fiction Workshop: Building Our Stories

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

This class is a hybrid take on the traditional workshop model, and while the workshop will be a major component of every class, writers will also have space to generate new material in class

Short and Sweet: Prose Poems, Flash Fiction and Mini-Memoirs

Online (BK Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

In this online class we'll look at examples of short pieces from practitioners such as Lydia Davis and Russell Edson, and we’ll explore how to incorporate techniques like free association and juxtaposition into our work. Then we'll write, share, and write some more

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