Dead Darlings Redux: Resurrecting the Lines You Killed

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

“I had a wonderful editor who would write in the margins of my manuscript, ‘I love this. Now, cut it,’” says Lori Ostlund, co-instructor of this two-day course, by way of offering a definition of Dead Darlings


Secondary Characters: Adding Depth, Conflict & Surprise to Scenes

San Francisco 2042 Balboa St., San Francisco, CA, United States

In this class, we will talk about ways to build more interesting secondary characters, study common relationship types, and do exercises aimed at creating more dynamic interactions between characters by thinking from the perspective of the secondary character


Daily Write Holiday Round Robin

Online (Asynchronous) Online - No Live Meetings

Jane Underwood had a unique vision when she developed the Round Robin class. By combining several elements—partnering, repetition, practice, feedback, and dedication—she created not just a writing course, but an actual community, one that has continued and grown for over a decade


Sparks of Light: Flash Fiction, Flash Memoir & Prose Poems

San Francisco 2042 Balboa St., San Francisco, CA, United States

“Shorter forms grab us and hold us in their spell, catapulting us into a moment. Every sensory detail is there for a reason, every word matters,” says instructor Katharine Harer


Story Mapping

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

Got an idea for a novel, a movie or a TV series? “That’s great!” says instructor Kate Montgomery. “Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and organize it into a layered, well-structured story that’s engaging from start to finish


Free Your Creativity: Using Constraints to Generate New Writing

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

In this generative class, we’ll explore how constraints may inspire both poetry and prose. We’ll look at examples by writers who use these techniques, then engage with inventive writing exercises, freeing our own imaginations


Daily Write Round Robin

Online (Asynchronous) Online - No Live Meetings

Jane Underwood had a unique vision when she developed the Round Robin class. By combining several elements—partnering, repetition, practice, feedback, and dedication—she created not just a writing course, but an actual community, one that has continued and grown for over a decade


Winter Meetup in San Francisco

San Francisco 2042 Balboa St., San Francisco, CA, United States

Occurring on a seasonal basis, Writing Salon meetups are designed to provide an intentional and facilitated space to help you keep a finger on your own creative pulse. At the same time, you'll have the opportunity to engage with a community of other like-minded writers


Round Robin Writing Group

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

Running concurrently with the Daily Write Round Robin, the Round Robin Writing Group will respond to your specific writing needs and interests, connect you with like-minded writers, and provide insights into process and craft


Winter Zoom Meetup

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

Occurring on a seasonal basis, Writing Salon Zoom meetups are designed to provide an intentional and facilitated space to help you keep a finger on your own creative pulse. At the same time, you'll have the opportunity to engage with a community of other like-minded writers

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