Terrel Seltzer 1 Saturday, September 24, 10am-4pm 
$130 members/$145 others
Testimonials for Terrel

“I swear, if have to read another script that begins with a hero waking up in the morning after a pan of the junk in his room, I’ll gag.” – quote from Hollywood Reader One.

“Uh-oh, is that the opening you just wrote for your script? What are the other ‘red flags’ that cause a Reader to toss a script by page 10? If character introductions are not done artfully, the odds of anything else in the script being great are slim.” – quote from Hollywood Reader Two.

So, how DO you write a screenplay these very same Readers will recommend? “Here’s the good news,” says instructor Terrel Seltzer, “it doesn’t have to be perfect. But you want to write a page-turner that keeps the Reader reading, and there are tried and true ways to help make that happen.”

In this class, we will be using two professional reader checklists – one on concept & plot, one on technical execution – to jumpstart our discussion. *Plan to bring copies of the script you’re working on (a scene, a premise, an outline, an idea you want to try out), plus all your questions of how to make a script a good read.

“This class will help you find ways to start writing,” says Terrel. “We’ll have a fun, helpful discussion based on your own work as well as produced scripts and movies. If you’re a novice with no pages to share, you’re still welcome!”

*NOTE: A day or two before the class Terrel will send you an email letting you know how many copies to make.

Terrel Seltzer is a self-taught screenwriter. She learned the craft by watching and outlining literally hundreds of movies. Her career started in the Bay Area, working with SF director Wayne Wang, for whom she wrote the screenplays for the independent films Chan is Missing and Dim Sum. Her two produced Hollywood screenplays are How I Got into College (with Lara Flynn Boyle and Anthony Edwards) and One Fine Day (with Michelle Pfeiffer and George Clooney). Currently, she has two scripts in production: New Song, to be filmed in Jordan in late spring 2015, and Same River Twice, slated for early 2016.

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