Free Your Creativity: Using Constraints to Generate New Writing

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

In this generative class, we’ll explore how constraints may inspire both poetry and prose. We’ll look at examples by writers who use these techniques, then engage with inventive writing exercises, freeing our own imaginations


The Fab Five: Writing with the Senses

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

In this five-week class, we'll use creative prompts to spend time with each of our senses, employing them as inspiration for juicy, textured writing


Free Your Creativity: Using Constraints to Generate New Writing

Online (SF Zoom) Online, Live Remote Meetings, ZOOM

In this generative class, we’ll explore how constraints may inspire both poetry and prose. We’ll look at examples by writers who use these techniques, then engage with inventive writing exercises, freeing our own imaginations

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