Dear Jane,

Thank you for the great party Saturday, and congratulations on the fifth anniversary of  The Writing Salon [note from Jane on Jan 1st, 2014: We are now about to celebrate our 15th anniversary!]. The readings were fabulous and hilarious. What a great community of writers you have collected–I am inspired anew. I intend to take another class in the near future, although due to time and money constraints it won’t be this session, sorry to say.

In the meantime, is it possible to get copies of any of the readings from Saturday night? I am thinking in particular of those by Dale Bentson, Jeff Kennedy, Kari Kiernan and Will Walker, these being the ones that almost caused me to pass milk through my nose. (And I wasn’t even drinking milk.)

I’m singing the praises of The Writing Salon to anyone I know who is or aspires to be a writer. Best of luck to you and keep up the good work.


Melissa MacWilliams

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