Turn Your Fragments into Finished Works

If you’ve been writing for a while, especially if you’ve participated in Round Robin classes, you’ve likely amassed bits of stories, essays, and poems, promising pieces that you haven’t developed further or don’t quite know how to expand. In this 6-week class, we’ll build from those starts, fragments, and sketches to create more fully realized works of art... more

Instructor: Kathy Garlick

October 28 - December 09
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Round Robin Writing Group

Running concurrently with the Daily Write Round Robin, the Round Robin Writing Group will respond to your specific writing needs and interests, connect you with like-minded writers, and provide insights into process and craft... more

Instructor: Kathy Garlick

October 28 - December 09
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Free Your Creativity: Using Constraints to Generate New Writing

In this generative class, we’ll explore how constraints may inspire both poetry and prose. We’ll look at examples by writers who use these techniques, then engage with inventive writing exercises, freeing our own imaginations... more

Instructor: Kimberly Lee

October 28 - December 09
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Story Mapping

Got an idea for a novel, a movie or a TV series? “That’s great!” says instructor Kate Montgomery. “Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and organize it into a layered, well-structured story that’s engaging from start to finish... more

Instructor: Kate Montgomery

October 28 - December 09
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Intro to Creative Writing: Let Your Words Out!

“The imagination knows all stories before they are told,” wrote the poet William Carlos Williams. “What that says to me,” says instructor Katharine Harer, “is that all of us, whether we already think of ourselves as writers or we’re just starting to explore the craft, are primed for creative writing ... more

Instructor: Katharine Harer

October 28 - December 09
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Launch Your Writing Project

Do you think you’re ready to hone in on a writing project such as a novel, chapbook, collection of poems, or dramatic work? Launch Your Writing Project will help you develop a long-form project in an environment that offers support, accountability and feedback... more

Instructor: Kerry Muir

October 28 - December 09
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Short and Sweet: Prose Poems, Flash Fiction and Mini-Memoirs

In this online class we'll look at examples of short pieces from practitioners such as Lydia Davis and Russell Edson, and we’ll explore how to incorporate techniques like free association and juxtaposition into our work. Then we'll write, share, and write some more... more

Instructor: Alison Luterman

October 28 - December 09
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Sparks of Light: Flash Fiction, Flash Memoir & Prose Poems

“Shorter forms grab us and hold us in their spell, catapulting us into a moment. Every sensory detail is there for a reason, every word matters,” says instructor Katharine Harer... more

Instructor: Katharine Harer

October 28 - December 09
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Creative Writing Workshop: The Process Is Everything

This online creative writing workshop will enable class members to deepen reflection on their own work, receive focused feedback from classmates and instructor, and inspire development toward class members’ finest hopes for their writing projects... more

Instructor: Kathy Garlick

October 28 - December 09
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Collage Writing Lab: Kickstart Your Creative Project

In this 3-week class, you’ll pull from pieces you’ve already written and brand-new writing you generate in class to create a collage. Prompt-driven writing, optional sharing of work, discussions about the collage form, and light feedback sessions will provide direction and encouragement... more

Instructor: Ann Guy

October 28 - December 09
6 Mondays, (Pacific Time)

6:30pm - 9:00pm