Shirin Photo 9.18.155 Thursdays, November 10 – December 15, 7-9:30pm
Skip November 24
$275 members/$295 others  
Testimonials for Shirin

“Juvenile” is the fastest growing fiction genre thanks to Divergent, The Fault in Our Stars, and of course, good old Harry Potter. “Certainly,” says instructor Shirin Bridges, “at one writers’ conference after another, the agents have been asking for middle grade chapter books and young adult novels.”

“Juvenile” is largely made up of these two categories. But what defines these genres and distinguishes them from each other? What are the unspoken rules of each? And who is the real target audience?

This informative and interactive course will answer those questions, plus some. “We’ll examine the particular structure and challenges of each genre,” says Shirin, “but more than that, we’ll apply our learnings directly to our craft with exercises and group discussions. Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and share your work with your peers—and with me, a working editor of both middle grade and YA fiction. Expect to find your story, hone your plot, and challenge your characters in this course.”

Shirin Yim Bridges has made the successful transition from author (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, HarperCollins, Chronicle Books) to award-winning editor and publisher. Head Goose at Goosebottom Books, Shirin has given workshops and seminars on writing and publishing for Stanford University, San Francisco State University, Illinois State University, the Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference, the Asian Festival of Children’s Content, and the Book Passage Children’s Writers and Illustrators Conference.

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